Period 2017
M/V Cabrera ran aground off Andros Island / Shoreline Clean-Up & Wreck Removal
At the dawn of the 24th of December 2016, amidst adverse weather conditions, MV Cabrera en route from Larymna to Finland ran aground at the north part of Andros Island (Kampanos area) in Greece. MV Cabrera was carrying a cargo of 3500t of iron and 20t bunkers. A few days after the grounding vessel sank, some tens of light crude oil escaped from the wreck, causing serious contamination to the Island’s beaches.
Salvage operations were assigned to the companies SMIT Salvage and Megatugs, whilst Osra and Antipollution took over the clean-up operations of the Island’s beaches. Soon, the wreck was broken in 6 pieces and the aft part was considered a threat to the safety of navigation and it had to be removed. This operation lasted until early November, when the clean-up of the shores was completed and the beaches were safe for public use.
Antipollution was also assigned to transfer the aft section of the vessel to a recycling facility in Turkey. This project was successfully completed in December 2017.