Cleaning and Waste Management Services to C/S Maersk Honam
Cleaning and Waste Management Services to C/S Maersk Honam
Cleaning and Waste Management Services to C/S Maersk Honam
Cleaning and Waste Management Services to C/S Maersk Honam
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Period 2018
Location Port Khalid, United Arab Emirates

Cleaning and Waste Management Services to C/S Maersk Honam

On the 6th of March 2018 Maersk Line container vessel Maersk Honam reported an explosion and subsequent fire in one of its cargo holds. The ultra-large container ship at that time was en route to Mediterranean Sea carrying on board 7.860 containers. Fire was mitigated in May and the vessel was safely berthed at Jebel Ali Port in Dubai on the 22nd of May, where intact cargo discharge operations commenced. Once safe cargo was removed, Salvors started operations at the fire stricken part of the vessel, loading destroyed containers on board barges and transported to Port Khalid Sharjah for further management.

Antipollution was assigned to provide specifications related to waste sampling, chemical analysis, classification and waste management as well as to design a special area at Port Khalid for the acceptance of waste from Maersk Honam. Additionally, Antipollution undertook the clean-up of the damaged containers, segregation and management of related waste. All operations were conducted with respect to the protection of the environment and human safety. A team of experts (Project Manager, Marine Chemist, H&S Officer, HazMat Expert, Mechanical Engineer and Foremen) was mobilized immediately and worked on scrap clean-up special waste repackaging.